May 19 - 23, 2025

Wilmore, KY | Asbury University

  • $269 Ticket + Meals

    Register before Nov. 1st to lock in this early bird pricing with code:

    Serious snacks and most meals included with registration.

  • + Optional Campus Housing Add-On

    Double Occupancy Room: $118 ($30/night)

    Single Occupancy Room: $148 ($37/night)

  • Don't Know Names Yet?

    No problem. Lock in the lowest rate of the year with TBD as the name on the ticket. Update us later!

Additional Details

Conference check-in begins at 12:00pm on Monday, and our Opening Session will start at 2:00pm.

We will end late Thursday night with a special time of testimony and commissioning. Plan to travel home on Friday. Check-out is Friday at 10:00am.